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Dr. Pfeiffer Welcomes You to the 2024-25 School Year

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Dr. Pfeiffer Welcomes You to the 2024-25 School Year

Welcome back to the 24-25 school year!

Dear Federal Way Public Schools Staff, Scholars, Family, and Community,

Welcome back to the 24-25 school year! I hope you all had the opportunity to enjoy the summer break, and took time to make some good memories. I’ve enjoyed seeing many of you at the community events we’ve been a part of this these last few months, but I am most looking forward to welcoming our students and families back to school next Tuesday.

There were many things to celebrate when we ended the last school year. For example, scholars in grades 3-12 all reported an increase in feeling a Sense of Belonging, and more than 200 scholars earned the Seal of Biliteracy. Additionally, every single kindergarten student visited a college campus as part of our new Kinder to College program, and the Class of 2024 embarked on their postsecondary journey with a collective $12 million in scholarships to support their next steps. 

This school year we will continue to build on our successes, especially in areas that will have the biggest impact on scholar outcomes. Our district priorities will continue to focus on several key areas including Multi-Tiered Systems of Support - which ensures our students get exactly what they need, Strong Family and Community Partnerships, College and Career Readiness, and our STEM Initiatives. We’re especially excited about our upcoming Portrait of a Graduate initiative – so be watching for information about that.

The work we are doing will be shared with you through our e-newsletter, our social media channels, the quarterly Scholar Chronicle sent directly to your mailbox, and on our website. We hope you will follow our journey and if you are so moved, join us as a volunteer, mentor, or community partner.

To our families, thank you for entrusting us with your children. We recognize that each scholar brings limitless potential with them into the classroom and it is our responsibility to ensure they thrive.

To our staff, thank you for the work you have done in preparing our schools to welcome our scholars back. From our classrooms and grounds, to our buses, cafeterias, and access to technology, our scholars will have an excellent learning environment this year.

To our community members, thank you for your continued partnership in providing the resources needed to help our scholars succeed. Our schools can’t do it alone, and your support is valued.

And to our scholars, thank you for showing up every day ready to learn. Our goal is for you to feel seen, valued, and heard. To feel empowered in your academic journey and be prepared for life following graduation.

With that, I will once again, welcome you to the 2024-25 school year; it is a year that is filled with great possibility. I’m excited to see you all soon.

In partnership,

Dr. Dani Pfeiffer
FWPS Superintendent
